On the beggining of the year 2017 a beautiful book was released by british author Dick Khan. The main theme of the book is his research around the mystic substance denominated DMT. A substance that occurs in many animals and plants and has a symilar structure to some tryptamines that are produced in the brains of some animals and plants like serotonin.

Ive got the chance to contact Dick online and the possibility to share him my research around mushroom uses by prehispanic indigenous societies in America before the Colombus arrival. Psilocin and Psilocibin are the main active compounds found in psilocybin producer mushrooms. Psilocybin is a also a tryptamine and its denominated 4-PO DMT and when its ingested or the mushroom gets damaged and turns blue it turns into 4-HO DMT the chemical name for the psilocin responsible for some of the entheogenic effects.

Actually I´ve learned this data on the first book of Dick Khan. In the first volume he introduces himself and his research. Accounts some of his experiencies of his teenage years and his first encounter with mushrooms. The accounts are literaly beautiful.

After he introduces the methods of his research the trip reports make their start.

The experiencies are delightful. Some will scare you and some others will transport you literally to heaven. The author as the reading makes its progress starts to account his contacts with paranomal spiritual beings that start to appear after the author smokes the DMT on his pipe.

Some occult reflexions are made while the author introduces to occult writes such as Madame Blavatsky and scientific books like the famous DMT book by Rick Strassman. Basically the book is both wonderful for the consumed DMT researcher and someone that really don´t knows anything about it and wants to learn about it.

The experiences start to turn really weird when the author starts to make contact with spiritual entities of other dimensions. There is an epic report in which the visions reported by Dick Khan are some kind of fantastic fractal circus carnival dancing in front of his eyes.

Very beautiful.

The literary skills are amazing. we are exposed to a scientific reseach book full of poetry. The description of the experiences are beautifuly put to the paper.. The sound effects and the visual imagery displayed as Dick Khans lecture elapses is well accomplished.

I live in Bogotá, Colombia... My country is famous for the wider pharmacopeia of entheogens available for the indigenous people. The sacred sacrament of Yage has in its contents DMT as the snuff powder called Yopo. I had the chance to experience this substances before reading this book and the experience was very trascendental.  I also smoked Changa. A DMT organic preparation in which Im not very specialized so please the reader forgive me and correct me if im giving any incorrect information

Years had passed since those experiences where done and they where strong. On the late times the recreational use of crystal DMT extracts has popularized in the colombian youths. Ive been always respectful regarding this and my past experiences really put me in a tune of predisposition to taste the DMT crystals.

I had a few chances and did not intake the inhales in proper manner because of my predjudices. I told this to Dick once I think. But I must confess after reading the first book my fears where almost defeated and on the begginings of 2019 I tried DMT for the first time in the proper way. Dicks book was really efficient in helping me to defeat this fears and taste the DMT substance.

It was a really outer space experience. I was in some woods with a friend and it was a sunny day. All the light went out except of a beautiful magnificent green fluorescent halo glowing from all the plants around me. The lake in front of me fusiones with the sky in a paranormal way. There are no words that can explain my experience but it was like a mix of an episode of the X-Files and the Twilight Zone with a sugar coated religious spiritual cover over it.

I dedicated to Dick Khan and PD Newman my essay around prehispanic mushroom uses by the Tolima tribes in Colombia that can be found in the following direction:

Im very happy to be Dick Khans friend and it was amazing to know that a second volume was going to be released. He sent it to me and I just finished it today.

I must confess that if the first volume introduces to the DMT theme and its a very complex reading the new books gives the reader a whole new turn in the setting of events and narrative. The second book is a speedy tourdeforce reading. Like a direct shooting of a dymethyltryptamine bullet direct to the brains inside your head.

Book Two continues what was first exposed. The UFO entheogen connection is exposed and interpreted in such peculiar and particular ways. I can assure the theorist conspirary  literature lover will have hour and hours of endless psychospiritual flabbergasting fun and entertainment with Dicks writing skill.

The origin of the entities introduces in the first volume are questioned and taken to a new level. Are they from an endogamous or of an exogamous origin? There is a moment the author states the entities are making connection with him and actually introducing to his phisical body and mind.

A whole taxonomical spiritual dimensional kingdom full of fantastical beings with a hierarchy that rules them its exposed with the Occult Masters as protagonists of this volume.

I dare to reproduce with Dicks permission, gentleness and friendship one of the reports exposed in Book Two for this book review readers delight:

The mythological and esoteric references are present all along the lecture. The Thunderbirds report is one of my favourites and the resource in which Dick Khan supports and documents his own experiences are very interesting and enriching. The Thunderbirds report is one of my favourites and the resources in which Dick Khan supports and documents his own experiencies are very interesting and culturally enriching.

References to paranormal possesions, ghost phenomena and  UFO mystery are related to the DMT substance. Its a new field of operations for actual entheogen research.

My own researchs regarding the mushroom mystery relates all this paranormal themes to the spiritual experience. Dick Khan has always been an influence and an inspirational friend in my own research. All my gratitude to him. The mushroom connection with the UFO and other paranormal activities like ghost sightings and fairy beings will be, has always been and is an actual valid theme in ethnomycological research.

I invite everyone interested in the DMT research to get a copy of DICK KHAN monumental works.

My curiosity regarding the subject and the readings of these books had inspired me to read Rick Strassmans DMT research.

Before ending this book review I would like to note that the author in Book Two proposes a new denomination for the DMT substance: Pneumadelic. Dick Khan writes: "Psychedelic is derived from the Greek word psyche (soul, mind) and delein, (to manifest), hence "soul-manifesting" or "soul revealing." Pneuma is an ancient Greek word for ´breath´ and in a religious context refers to spirit or soul."

This denomination could also be used to describe LSD, Mushrooms and other entheogens.

Thanks for your contributions in the esoteric and the scientific research Dick Khan.

November 24 / 2019
