Rn Vooght contribution to ethnobotanical studies around entheogens will be remembered for centuries. Alternative researchers and Academic circles had a lot to learn from this little book easy to read, complex like a bit of seasand and enjoyable as the stardust in the sugarcoated skies. The ideas that are exposed in the book had been in our unconscious since the dawn of humanity.

The author proposes that an ancient civilization existed on Earth that could possibly had achieved technological superiority even if you compare their developments with actual human society living in the planet.

Architecture from ancient cultures are studied in the text. The idea that our ancestors are not primitive but actually societies with a superior grade of civilization than the actual one strikes like a laser shoot directly to your head. 
Today's architects wonder how the ancient Egyptians did to carry out their buildings. How were the pyramids built? The book is also part of the new Egyptology studies and the reader interested in this enigmatic culture of the past will find valuable information on the pages of this text. In several places in the world such as Puerta del Sol in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia and Cuzco in Peru, there are constructions that baffle architects today because of their high level of technology in their constructions. Not even the most prepared of our architects can explain satisfactorily how these old buildings were built.

The myths of the past are contrasted with the findings of current science achieving a unique literary effect. All cultures have a universal flood in their past. Sailing like a ship adrift in the waters of our unconscious myths and legends begin to make sense.
The idea that an Atlantis existed should not be discarded. A civilization that achieved technological progress superior to those of our current civilization and was completely exterminated by a catastrophic event of ecological proportions has to be taken into account. The ancient Egyptians speak of a character from their mythology called Osiris. All things Acacia. Acacia is a genus of trees and it is well known that DMT can be extracted from some of its species. The molecule of the soul. The same molecule that is part of ayahuasca infusions prepared in the Amazon by indigenous shamans since immemorial times. Rn Vooght proposes that the Orion constellation in the sky reproduces the DMT molecule that is observed through the microscope. If ancient civilizations built places like the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, the idea that they have also managed to manufacture telescopes and microscopes cannot be ruled out. Curiously, as colombian researcher Carlos Castaño-Uribe points out in his book: Chiribiquete, La Maloka Cósmica de los Hombres Jaguar, the amazonian shamans see in the sky a Jaguar in the same place where the ancient Egyptians located the constellation of Orion. It is known that the shamans of the Amazon after taking the Yage infused with DMT become Jaguars. The observation had to be made. Not only the DMT molecule is studied in Rn Vooghts book. There is many stuff in this little book but I want everyone to read it! Thanks for the friendship RN.
In the book you can read that there are scientific studies that indicate DMT production in the brains of mice. The author of this literary review of Rn Vooght's book suggests that every living entity produces DMT and is the substance that makes reality possible. When I look into the skies I see in the constellation of Orion a Shaman holding a mushroom instead of a hunter holding a bow. JUAN CAMILO RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ BOGOTA, COLOMBIA February 17 ... 2020.
