MAKE MUSHROOM TEA AND NOT WAR: A CONVERSATION WITH HUGH VIVIAN OF OMEGA TRIBE This is a conversation we had with Hugh Vivian. He is the lead singer and guitar player of the legendary classic english punk band Omega Tribe. The band was formed in London, England back in 1981. They where part of the mythical record label CRASS RECORDS founded by CRASS punk band. Here is the conversation we had with Hugh Vivian. Exclusive for Sociedad Colombiana de Micología.:

SCM: MMM ... What introduced you to punk culture? Whats the importance of the Poison GIrls in english punk rock development?

HV: I guess I was introduced to punk culture by other kids at school. My older brother was into heavy rock and Frank Zappa. We went to see Black Sabbath and Motörhead together, I was about 13. I was listening to prog rock and also liked the Stranglers and other ‘new wave’ bands. Everyone knew the Sex Pistols and I liked the Damned and the Adverts but I was more of a scruffy hippy than a punk. I borrowed records, I remember X-Ray spex and the Damned, but I didn’t see many punk bands until I got into underground gigs, I caught the Poison Girls live and that made an impact. They were overtly political, a protest, they used film, they looked interesting and I was hooked. I spent time at Free festivals and developed an idea that I was an anarchist. Poisongirls were creative and intelligent with a cross over into political art through ‘the Impossible Dream’ magazine. I feel I was lucky, there was a positive scene and I had naivety on my side!

SCM: Regarding hippie movement... Well you always hear punk is against hippies... But you are telling me you where a hippie.. So tell me a little about hippie influence in OMEGA TRIBE. Do you listen to the Beatles, Jefferson Airplane? Pink Floyd?

HV: Beatles- yes, specially Daryl and Pete Fender, Pink Floyd, yes - I listened to ‘Animals’ a lot when it came out, ‘meek and obedient you follow the leader down well-trodden corridors into the valley of steel’ which was probably a bit harsh on sheep to be fair. Jefferson Airplane - not really. There was a bit of a hippie/punk crossover with bands like ATV, the Mob, Zounds, even Hawkwind. You had the free festival thing, I saw the Ruts (DC) and Discharge at Deeply Vale in 1980 (1?) , which was previously a hippy thing with LSD and marijuana and dodgy alcohol. Personally I’ve never embraced the Nihilism of punk- the John Lyndon, cynical right wing thing. You have journalists here writing about how our right wing prime minister is somehow ‘punk’ in a ‘get pissed destroy’ kind of way. I’m into the diy, express yourself aspect of it, positivity and people coming together!

SCM: Are you into literature and books? Please talk about an author you enjoy to read.

HV: A writer I really admire is Primo Levi. Someone gave me a copy of ‘The Periodic Table’ and I went on to read all of his books. If you don’t know, he was an Italian Jewish guy who was imprisonned by the nazis during the Second World War. He lived in a concentration camp but got better treatment because he was a chemist and worked daily for one of the German companies that exploited camp prisoners. His books for me are about the triumph of humanity over the dark collective madness that somehow rises up, like the holocaust etc. Anyway, do read them if you haven’t. By way of an example, there was a guy in El Paso yesterday trying to make sure all the children got to safety, putting himself in danger from the terrorist.

And lets add Toni Morrison, one of the greatest writers, RIP

SCM: Did OMEGA TRIBE played shows with CRASS?... Can you share an image of a flyer if that happened? How was a CRASS SHOW? What was being part of CRASS RECORDS and working in the recording of the ANGRY SONG 7"... Talk a little about the time... The experience of making the EP...?

HV: Omega Tribe played once with Crass, at the Zig zag squat gig in 1983 when loads of anarcho bands played. Daryl was, is, a big fan and we would go to their house to visit them and talk about recording and releasing our music. They were very supportive and helped loads of bands get things out. There is a Facebook group called ‘Crass records’ I think that has old photos etc. I don’t have anything like that, Daryl might have. The EP ‘Angry Songs’ was recorded quickly and efficiently according to Penny Rimbaud’s production standards - very low vocals, slightly clinical sounds, but some nice production things for us like the piano and backing vocals. The LP ‘No Love Lost’ was also a quick recording with Pete Fender in charge but more our own style. We have just finished a recording of three songs for an EP, out soon ! Xx

SCM: . Why the band is called that way ? Whats the origin of the name OMEGA TRIBE?

HV: Hi Juan, yes I think that the message about people like Ghandi is that he was a flawed character but had a positive impact in history. I think we - the media, popular culture- are too stuck with looking for ‘leaders’ or ‘heroes’, we should be focused more on ideas, values and actions rather than individuals. We thought up the name ‘Omega Tribe’ and it is supposed to connect with the idea that there is one race, the human race, and ultimately we need to recognise that and understand that humanity is not well served by inventing divisions. So ‘Omega’ from the last letter of the Greek alphabet meaning last or ultimate, and ‘Tribe’ people with a common goal. It’s a funny name but I guess we’re stuck with it! And it’s only a name!

SCM: I understand the OMEGA TRIBE logo was inspired by the Japanese bird the Red-Crowned Bird ... Who did the logo? Why this particular bird? Please talk us about the OMEGA TRIBE art and logos in general.

HV: The logos - we found the logo, the Japanese crane of peace, in a book of symbols in our local library. We probably stole the book or removed the relevant pages but I’ll use youth as my excuse. Daryl was a fanzine maker and interested in the collage art as used by Underground bands. He made our banners. Our drummer, Peter, was a good artist and he drew a lot of our things. The artwork for ‘No Love Lost’ was based on a design by a guy called Joe Cliff, who we knew. He made a colour version for when it was going to be an EP but once we’d changed to an album idea we needed to go black and white to keep costs down. So Peter drew it, it’s very good!He also drew the skull and barbed wire image that appears on ‘Angry Songs’.

SCM: I´ve seen on the Internet a new edition of the album No Love Lost has been released. It´s an official release?

HV: Yes we’ve re-released our album, still finishing our new thing.

SCM: Mmmm... How was the world political environment when Omega Tribe formed? How is it today? What has changed? The Antiwar message of OMEGA TRIBE is more relevant today than ever.. The nuclear menace is still there... Please talk a little about Trump, Putin, Kim Jong-Un... What do you think of the actual politics that rule our world... and do you think a Third World War will ever happen? It cant be stopped? Or in our actual world is an impossible event? The Nuclear Blast you know

HV: In the early 80s the dominant political narrative for me and many young people was the Cold War and imminent nuclear destruction. I marched with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and did leaflets and stuff. Margaret Thatcher and neo liberalism was in power and set about dismantling the power of the trades unions. As we moved into the mid 80s it was the Miners’ strike that divided the nation, which ultimately ended in a defeat for the people. The police were used as political enforcers, which, coupled with the institutional racism and discrimination of that organisation, meant that the tenuous trust between the police and the communities they serve was broken, it has not been restored. Thatcher, ally of Pinochet and apartheid, had the support of large sections of the working class through the great sell offs of social housing, utilities and communication companies so there was the illusion of wealth. Dark times.

As far as today’s political situation, one theme for me is we have an elite of the super rich who are subverting democracy across the globe to further their own interests. And often these individuals will use nationalism to further their cause. So on the one hand they are happy to espouse nationalist views, generally divisive and enabling racism, while on the other they see themselves as above the nation state. I think democratic ideas need more backing, such as preventing politicians taking money from e.g. drug companies. In fact I think politicians should be prevented from access money from anyone other than a state salary.

I think we should be concerned that power is concentrated in the hands of the 1%, rather than the rest of us.

I also think it’s important to stand up for all oppressed and marginalised people. Whether the oppression is based on religion, sexuality or skin colour. I think the re emergence of race ‘science ‘ is very worrying. The denial and confusion- often faked - about their own racism and the impact of imperialism and colonialism needs addressing. We have to learn from each other and the past in order to progress. Loads more that could be said but I just wanted to include the ‘othering’ of people as a fundamental issue. Black Lives Matter.

SCM: Regarding drug companies and the pharmaceutical industries please tell me what do you thing about the legalization of marihuana and psilocybin mushrooms? How the pharmaceutical business is affecting the human population in turning medicines of the past into pills taking advantage of the anciet knowledge and banning natural medicines and how this prohibition is supported by goverment laws enforced by police opression? How this turned into some kind of hypocrisy because now in the USA and many parts medical and recreational marihuana is becoming legal and in one way the mafia has loose its control over it but it has been gained by governments the same governments that used to jail people because of this. Has Omega Tribe or well maybe you Hugh had and experiencie with sacred mushrooms?

HV: Drugs and health care is an example of hypocrisy, you are right about that. For me, it seems absurd that health should be a commodity that the ‘market ‘ can sort out. The healthcare system in the US is ridiculous and the hostility towards free care quite incredible. It seems a no brainier to me, if the state has a primary function then the care of the people should be pretty close to the first priority. Psilocybin mushrooms are an interesting example too. I have eaten them. I had a lovely experience at the ‘Psilocybin Fair’ in Wales when I was a teenager. This was free festival that the authorities tried to stop but happened in a beautiful valley. It was very beautiful. An Omega Tribe trip report: we played in Chesterfield with Rubella Ballet in about 1982 or 3. We had mushroom tea after the gig and stayed up all night tripping. It was fun. It’s a shame that such a relatively safe substance is no longer part of the culture in the UK as it once was.

Marijuana should be treated respectfully, like any substance. I think it has valuable uses. There are many places where it is no longer a controlled substance and this seems to work well. Portugal has recently decriminalised a lot of drugs and the results are positive. Attitudes to various substance use are highly hypocritical and unhelpful in my view.

SCM: Do you think druids in ancient England used sacred mushrooms?

HV: YHallucinogenic mushrooms, yes I’m sure they had a role in ancient ceremony and ritual but that’s not an area of expertise for me!

SCM: I was thinking about EL PASO shooting some days ago that you talk about in the beggining... Please the next question or maybe some words of reflection about what is happening in the USA... What about all this weapon marketing in the USA ... The Firearms industry is Legal.. Trump blames violence to videogames... He condemns the white supremacy violence but media is blaming him to promote it... What about all of this? What could be the cause of all this mass shootings in USA?

HV: The white supremacy thing is extremely worrying , as I said before. Trump is backing this racist rubbish. The US is a deeply troubled place, a racist endeavour from its inception. It is a recipe for the kind of psychopathic violence we are witnessing. POC must have a voice and light skinned people must listen, learn and change their attitudes and behaviour. There is a lot of undoing needed.
I think that fear and ignorance are at the root of the gun violence. They seem to have negative attitudes to women too. It needs addressing but the politicians there are unable, they have no vision. With a few exceptions of course, AOC and Ilhan Omar are worth listening to I think.

SCM: About the music industry what do you think of Rock n Roll Industry this days? Is punk dead? Is punk alive? What about all this new generation bands like The Offspring, Blink 182, Green Day that are very commercial but claim themselves punk... About English Rock n Roll.. What about OASIS and BLUR? Can be punk Rock commercial? Did you liked Amy Winehouse?

HV: Offspring, Yankee shit no? Blink 182, that’s not what punk is... I’m not interested in that at all. The rock and roll industry is as shit as it’s ever been - of course there are some good people- Roger Waters for example! I don’t think whether punk is dead is an important question at all - it could be dead to a person one day and alive the next. Personally ‘punk’ as an idea is not significant. However, the diy ethos, spontaneity and energy of shows and music that could be described as punk is great. Blur were good, Oasis just get more ridiculous as they age. The bloke has turned full mid life centrist dad. We shouldn’t put people on pedestals - it turns out Morrisey was a fascist and Noel Gallagher is thick!
In my experience, for every Winehouse from the pop school there are a hundred more interesting people to discover. Not that she wasn’t a great singer though.

SCM: Wow! Many thanks for your time... I love the OMEGA TRIBE music and message. What is coming for OMEGA TRIBE?

HV: I’m glad you like our songs, we write to move people and share our experiences. It is a lovely thing when someone appreciates it so thank you. I’m looking forward to getting new material out as soon as possible. We recorded 4 tracks in 2017, which you have, and are just finishing off 3 tracks, which you’ll have soon! Love and peace, Hugh

SCM: Thanks for sharing your art with Colombia. Have fun!

HV: Me gusta mucho los champiñones de todos tipo.
Querria decir buena suerte a todos los estudiantes en el colegio y amor y Paz desde Inglaterra. (Este mensaje fue enviado en español )
Tenemos esperanza que nunca puede morir.

Un abrazo amigo xxx

Hugh Viviane
London, England

August 16 / 2019.

Juan Camilo Rodríguez Martínez....
Bogotá, Colombia
